Thursday, September 26, 2013

Anglo-Saxon humor in Modern Film

Anglo-Saxons are known for their high violence culture and their intense fights. However dark this culture may have seemed, it did have humor. The humor of the Anglo-Saxons was often obvious and blunt humor. In the midst of a serious moment, such as a fighting scene, the main character (specifically of literature) would say a humorous and outrageous remark. This type of comedy is widely accepted today. Quentin Tarantino, American film producer, director, and screenwriter, is the mayor of this type of comedy.Quentin Tarantino is known for his films because of their heavy violence content and strongly controversial topics. No matter how heavy the subject matter of the film, an odd sense of humor always peeks through.It does more than peek however. It hits the viewer right in the face.

An example of this is from the movie Django Unchained, which is a story of a freed slave on a revenge-filled journey to find his wife, who was sold to another plantation miles away. This movie does not hold back, for there are numerous graphically violent and uncomfortable scenes. At random times throughout the movie, however, a character will make an off-the-wall statement causing a brief moment of laughter. The viewer is laughing because of the actual humor of the statement and also because of the shock. The timing is strategic, always being in places the viewer would least expect.
A particular example from this film revolves around a large group of men (KKK members) on horseback, gathering in preparation of a raid. They have passed out bags to put on their heads, with handcut holes for the eyes to see. However, the bags are very poorly made. The men begin arguing about the bags in a petty way and forget the reason for their meeting. Though nothing is humorous about this slavery, violence, or racism, the scene lightens the mood for a brief moment and the viewer inevitably laughs.
Quentin Tarantino is a master of this "rough" comedy. It is present in nearly all of his major films, such as Inglorious Bastards.

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