Saturday, September 14, 2013

Spirituality in Doctor Who

In today's culture there are a lot of hits of spirituality, if not always Christianity. Several examples come right to mind, even if some of those examples are of religious fanatics who turn out to be the murderers (That's always unfortunate; I mean, on the bright side it makes it so you can almost always tell as soon as you see them on a cop show. Just like, Oh! It's that guy. He is a Christian so he definitely killed that girl.)

Especially, in popular shows and series, there will at some point up the topic of spirituality will be brought up. Often, there will a conflict of emotions or opinions, and in the end as far as I've seen, the believers tend to still believe and the unbelievers tend to continue in unbelief. Then there are other times when tinges of spirituality just come up in passing, bubbling to the surface every so often.

One prominent example I've seen is Doctor Who, a very popular BBC show. Throughout the series the Doctor is occasionally referred to as "the lonely god" and "lonely angel." He is compared to a god, with all of the things he knows and things he can do; he could change a whole history at the drop of a hat.

I don't know if you can get any better than the Doctor Who and owls.

Then, more explicitly, there are episodes such as a two part episode, the second of which is called "The Satan Pit;" in it the Doctor comes face to face with some manifestation of a devil. In response to the admittedly terrifying creature, he goes off about the different "gods" he's had to contend with in all his years of traveling and what he really believes in (Which as it turns out, is Rose, which though a bit sacrilegious, is kinda cute.)

 I feel like the show's writer/designer
people were just like, "let's give people nightmares today."
In another season he comes in contact with something akin to a Minotaur that appears to act as a god to the planet on which it resides. That one is even called, "The God Complex."

This was just one example, but it's not an uncommon topic to bring up, because at some point in everyone's life- even, apparently, fictional characters'- spirituality is a matter that has to be addressed, even if it just comes to the person or character having none.


  1. 1) Dang it. I was going to use Doctor Who. But, the early bird gets the worm, I suppose. Nice example though!
    2) I totally have a shirt with those Doctor Who owls on it :)

  2. God Complex is an excellent example. There's some really good sci fi short stories too that deal with this topic.
